Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Ancillary Task - Advertisement Development

animated gifs

For our first advert design, we came up with a simple yet, creative idea that we felt at the time would create an incredibly interesting CD advertisement. We created an image containing all 4 members of the band, combined to emulate a single person. We then laid this image over a picture of shaped card we had created, and used the transparency tool, to make the face blend with the green card. We used a simple shade background, as we were initially going for the "Kings of Leon/Arcade Fire" image, although after creating this we had almost completley opposite ideas, to that which we began in mind. After reconsidering trying to adapt our first draft, we decided to completley start from scratch, and go for an overall busier approach, to make the advertisement more visially appealing. We came up with an overall theme for our peice and decided, on a chalk/paint theme, making this peice compeltley original to other advertisements we had seen. We found a small board and covered it in lyrics from songs included on the album, aswell as little doodles and phrases that we felt connote youth. We then used contrast to make the colours pop more in the picture, and to darken the grey board. The overall result was incredibly pleasing to us. We decided to use a simple font to express the album details, as we felt trying to conform to the chalk theme with this would be too hard to actually see. We then created a short quote as a selling point for the album, as we saw this was a common theme within other advertisements; as are the band websites at the top of the advertisement. We then added all necessary companies and sponsores to ensure our advertisement looks proffessional, we will further tweak this for the next assessment.

Monday, 14 January 2013